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<code brush="bash"> #!/bin/sh -e mkdir -p fs/dev fs/root fs/tmp ln -s rescue fs/bin ln -s rescue fs/sbin tar cCf / - rescue | tar xCf root - cat <<"EOF" > fs/rc.init #!/bin/sh export PATH="/rescue" mount -t ufs -r /dev/gpt/root /root # Or whatever needs to happen to get root mounted EOF makefs -t ffs -o version=2,label=mfsroot,minfree=0,optimization=space -s 5M image fs mkuzip -s 65536 image rm image mv image.uzip mfsroot cat <<"EOF" > loader.conf # Make use of the mfsroot mfsroot_load="YES" mfsroot_name="/boot/mfsroot" mfsroot_type="md_image" init_script="/rc.init" # <- Must mount /root properly! init_chroot="/root" vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:md0.uzip" EOF </code>