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<?plugin RawHtml <pre class="brush: c-sharp;"> function test() : String { return 10; } </pre> ?> <verbatim> This is sum verbatim shiz. [even wiki links don't work|see] <a href="blah">blah</a> </verbatim> Naked: <code> This is a test [wiki|link] </code> Ruby: <code ruby> class Blah def meow puts arf end end [wiki|link] </code> C: <code c> #include <blah.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { return 0 } </code> Longopt: <code brush="php"> class Block_code extends Block_pre { var $_re = '<code'; var $brushes = Array( "bash", "shell", "c-sharp", "csharp", "cpp", "c", "css", "delphi", "pas", "pascal", "diff", "patch", "groovy", "js", "jscript", "javascript", "java", "perl", "pl", "php", "plain", "text", "py", "python", "rails", "ror", "ruby", "scala", "sql", "vb", "vbnet", "xml", "xhtml", "xslt", "html", "xhtml"); function _match (&$input, $m) { $endtag = '</code>'; $text = array(); $pos = $input->getPos(); $brush = strtolower(trim(rtrim($m->postmatch, ">"))); $pat = "/^brush=[\"']{0,1}(.*?)[\"']{0,1}$/"; $mat = preg_match($pat, $brush, $match); echo "<pre>"; printf("Mat: %s\n", print_r($mat, true)); printf("Pat: %s\n", print_r($pat, true)); printf("Brush: %s\n", print_r($brush, true)); printf("Match: %s\n", print_r($match, true)); printf("In: %s\n", print_r(in_array($match[1], $this->brushes), true)); echo "</pre>"; if (0 > preg_match($pat, $brush, $match) && $brush = trim($match[1]) && in_array($brush, $this->brushes)) $brush = $brush; else if (in_array($brush, $this->brushes)) $brush = $brush; else $brush = "plain"; printf("Brush: %s<br>\n", print_r($brush, true)); $line = $input->nextLine(); while (ltrim($line) != $endtag) { $text[] = $line; if (($line = $input->nextLine()) === false) { $input->setPos($pos); return false; } } $input->advance(); $text = join("\n", $text); $this->_element = new Block_HtmlElement('pre', array('class' => sprintf('brush: %s;', $brush)), $text); return true; } } </code> Long without quotes: <code brush=xml> <blah> <foo> <bar /> </foo> </blah> </code>