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Interface to Requires ENABLE_XHTML_XML = true Syntax: If you are using Internet Explorer 6 + Adobe SVGviewer (often included by default with Windows XP) or SVG enabled Mozilla/Firefox (and have Adobe SVGviewer installed as well!) then you should see the examples. ! Usage <verbatim> <?plugin AsciiSVG width= height= onmousemove="" script="" code... ?> </verbatim> ! Arguments width, height, script, onmouseover All other arguments are passed to the ASCIISvg javascript library and rendered as SVG. See ! Example <verbatim> <?plugin AsciiSVG width="117" height="117" border = 0 initPicture(-10,10) axes() stroke = "red" p = [] with (Math) for (t = 0; t < 10.01; t += 0.05) p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)] path(p) ?> </verbatim> <?plugin AsciiSVG width="117" height="117" border = 0 initPicture(-10,10) axes() stroke = "red" p = [] with (Math) for (t = 0; t < 10.01; t += 0.05) p[p.length] = [t*cos(PI*t), t*sin(PI*t)] path(p) ?> ! Known Problems With multiple ~AsciiSVG plugins on the same page the 2nd and subsequent ones will have the same width and height. ! Author PhpWiki:ReiniUrban ! See Also Help:AsciiMathPlugin ---- PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin