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!!! Synopsis The ~PhpWeatherPlugin is a Help:WikiPlugin that uses PhpWeather to display a block of text with the current weather for some airport in the world. It looks like this: <?plugin PhpWeather menu=true ?> !!! Plugin Arguments __menu__: Set this to =true= to have the plugin generate a menu after the report. The user will able to select a country from this menu, and after that, an airport and a language. The default value is <tt>false</tt>. __icao__: Use this to pre-select a specific airport instead of using the default one which is <tt>EKAH</tt>. If you want the user to be able to change the station using the menu, then you have to use this as <verbatim> <?plugin PhpWeather menu=true icao||=EKYT ?> </verbatim> so that the value can be overwritten when the user submits the form. If you just use <verbatim> <?plugin PhpWeather menu=true icao=EKYT ?> </verbatim> then nothing will happen when the user selects another station from the list. __cc__: Specify the country code. You can use this if you want pre-select a different country than the one specified in the ICAO. So using <verbatim> <?plugin PhpWeather menu=true cc||=GB icao||=KTTS ?> </verbatim> will show the current weather at the NASA Shuttle Facility, United States (<tt>KTTS</tt>) and at the same time give the user a list of stations in the United Kingdom. As the example shows, then you should use <tt>cc||=XX</tt> when combining it with __menu__ set to <tt>true</tt>. __language__: The default language. When combining __language__ with __menu__ set to <tt>true</tt> then remember to use the <code>language||=xx</code> form. __units__: You can specify the way the units are printed. The choice is between having both metric and imperial units printed, or just one of them. Setting __units__ to =both_metric= will print the metric value first and then the imperial value in parenthesis. Using =both_imperial= instead will do the opposite. If you only need the metric or imperial units to be shown, then setting __units__ to =only_metric= or =only_imperial= will do just that. ---- PhpWikiDocumentation Help:WikiPlugin