On host:
Assuming NIS domain name 'cdn-mtumishi' and a master of 'master.mtumishi.cyberleo.net':
# Jail networking gateway_enable="YES" cloned_interfaces="lo1" ipv4_addrs_lo1="" # NIS stuff #nisdomainname="cdn-mtumishi" rpcbind_enable="YES" rpcbind_flags="-h" nis_server_enable="YES" nis_server_flags="-h -h" nis_yppasswdd_enable="YES" nis_yppasswdd_flags="-a -v" nis_client_enable="YES" nis_client_flags="-m -S cdn-mtumishi,master"
/etc/hosts: master.mtumishi.cyberleo.net master 10.4.4.* other jail names
Populate /var/yp/master.passwd with the master list; same format as /etc/master.passwd
Populate /var/yp/ypservers with the list of servers; currently fqdn and short-dn
master.mtumishi.cyberleo.net master.mtumishi.cyberleo.net master master
Populate /var/yp/securenets with the network information
# allow connections from local host -- mandatory # allow connections from private subnet
Populate /var/yp/netgroup according to your allocation policy:
# Group definitions U-ADMINS (,adminusername,cdn-mtumishi) (,anotheradmin,cdn-mtumishi) U-EVERYONE U-ADMINS (,mortaluser,cdn-mtumishi) (,anothermortal,cdn-mtumishi) # Host definitions H-MASTER U-ADMINS H-PUB U-EVERYONE H-MAIN U-ADMINS (,mortaluser,cdn-mtumishi)
Then invoke 'make' in /var/yp to populate NIS databases. Remember to invoke 'make' to rebuild maps after changing anything that might be exported; look in /var/yp/cdn-mtumishi for details.
Then start services rpcbind, ypserv, yppasswdd, ypbind in that order.
Append to host /etc/master.passwd the magic import string, which will import all authorized users as-is, and all other users with a replacement 'nologin' shell:
+@MASTER::::::::: +:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin
Append to host /etc/group the magic import string, which will import all groups and star out their passwords:
Use ypwhich to see what the current ypbind is bound to; use ypcat passwd to retrieve a map from NIS. Use ypchsh to try and change information.
When creating a new jail, do this:
In master: Add H-SHORTHOSTNAME to /var/yp/netgroup and assign ADMINS and whomever else should have access
In jail:
append /etc/rc.conf
nisdomainname="cdn-mtumishi" nis_client_enable="YES" nis_client_flags="-m -S cdn-mtumishi,master"
append /etc/hosts master.mtumishi.cyberleo.net master
patch /etc/nsswitch.conf
-hosts: files dns +hosts: files nis dns
append /etc/master.passwd
+@H-SHORTHOSTNAME::::::::: +:::::::::/usr/sbin/nologin
append /etc/group
configure pam_exec to create home directories upon first user login haven't figured this one out yet.