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Run mergemaster to set up /var/tmp/temproot, then abort it before touching any files.

Run this against it, to install all files whose only change is their CVS ID

Rerun mergemaster, and it will silently ignore the newly updated files

cd /var/tmp/temproot
find . -type f | while read file
  # Detect if there are any additions or deletions
  diff=$(diff -e "${file}" "/${file}")
  [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue

  # Ignore files with additions or deletions
  echo "${diff}" | egrep -q '^[0-9]+[ad]$' && continue

  # Ignore files with more than one change
  changes="$(echo "${diff}" | egrep -c '^[0-9]+c$')"
  [ "${changes}" -ne 1 ] && continue

  # Make sure the changed line is the FreeBSD CVS tag
  cvstag="$(echo "${diff}" | grep -c '$FreeBSD: ')"
  [ "${cvstag}" -ne 1 ] && continue

  mv -v "${file}" "/${file}"