Note: You are viewing an old version of this page. View the current version.

This is a collection of useful (and not-so-useful) bits of information.

<<<<<<< Your version

  • pfRules? and some scripts to handle them?
  • pfRules? and some scripts to handle them?

Other version

  • Moonshell DPG-compatible encoding on linux
  • Innards of Infantile Paralysiser's DSM format: IP-DSM
  • Updating FreeBSD Ports? and rebuild dependencies
  • Installing FreeBSD from source?
  • Using PAR2 to fill up unused space on a CD/DVD
  • Apache22 single log source to handle log rotation and splitting automatically
  • copysparse.php was built to copy a block device to an image file, while preventing the allocation of all-null blocks (sparse file) to save space

    • Also contains examples of a thousands-separator number formatting function and a function to display human-readable magnitude numbers (i.e. 10.0GB)
  • Firefox convenience shellscript?, written in bash
  • Empty the Linux buffer cache