A makefile for the convenient handling of a CA directory.

# $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 2006/06/20 18:55:37 jmates Exp $
# NOTE If running OpenSSL 0.9.8a or higher, see -newkey, below.
# Automates the setup of a custom Certificate Authority and provides
# routines for signing and revocation of certificates. To use, first
# customize the commands in this file and the settings in openssl.cnf,
# then run:
# make init
# Then, copy in certificate signing requests, and ensure their suffix is
# .csr before signing them with the following command:
# make sign
# To revoke a key, name the certificate file with the cert option
# as shown below:
# make revoke cert=foo.cert
# This will revoke the certificate and call gencrl; the revocation list
# will then need to be copied somehow to the various systems that use
# your CA cert.

requests = *.csr

sign: ${requests}

# remove -batch option if want chance to not certify a particular request
${requests}: FORCE
        @openssl ca -batch -config ca.conf -in $@ -out ${@:.csr=.crt} -extensions authority
        @[ -f ${@:.csr=.crt} ] && rm $@

        @test $${cert:?"usage: make revoke cert=certificate"}
        @openssl ca -config ca.conf -revoke $(cert)
        @$(MAKE) gencrl

        @openssl ca -config ca.conf -gencrl -out cyberleo-root-ca.crl

        -rm ${requests}

# creates required supporting files, CA key and certificate
        @test ! -f serial
        @mkdir crl newcerts private
        @chmod go-rwx private
        @echo '01' > serial
        @touch index
        # NOTE use "-newkey rsa:2048" if running OpenSSL 0.9.8a or higher
        @openssl req -config ca.conf -days 3650 -x509 -newkey rsa:8192 -out cyberleo-root-ca.crt -outform PEM

        @echo make sign
        @echo '  - signs all *.csr files in this directory'
        @echo make revoke cert=filename
        @echo '  - revokes certificate in named file and calls gencrl'
        @echo make gencrl
        @echo '  - updates Certificate Revocation List (CRL)'
        @echo make clean
        @echo '  - removes all *.csr files in this directory'
        @echo make init
        @echo '  - required initial setup command for new CA'

# for legacy make support