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On the server: fetchnew.php: <code brush=php> #!/usr/bin/env php <?php $url = ""; $tmpfp = tmpfile(); //$url = ""; //$tmpfp = fopen("/home/cyberleo/secondlife/SecondLife_i686_1_18_0_6.tar.bz2", "r"); $stage = sprintf("%s/%s", "/home/cyberleo/secondlife/tmp", md5(time()+microtime())); $target = "/home/cyberleo/secondlife/linux"; $pointer = "/home/cyberleo/secondlife/linux/SecondLife"; $ptrfp = fopen($pointer, "w"); if (!flock($ptrfp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldblock) && $wouldblock) die("Already running.\n"); // Create temp directory if (!mkdir($stage)) die("Directory race!\n"); $useful = file($url); // Extract the most useful line $useful = preg_grep("/\.tar\.bz2.*Linux i686/", $useful); // Extract the most useful URL from that line $useful = array_values($useful); $useful = $useful[0]; $useful = preg_split("/\"(http:\/\/.*\.tar\.bz2)\".*Linux i686\<\/a\>: ([^ ]+)/", $useful, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $url = $useful[1]; $version = $useful[2]; if (!$url) die("Didn't get a valid URL! Help!"); $components = parse_url($url); printf("Fetching version %s from %s...\n", $version, $components['host']); unset($useful); unset($components); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "MyBrowse/1.0 (GS/OS 6.0.3; AppleIIgs)"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_MUTE, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $tmpfp); curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $length = fstat($tmpfp); $length = $length['size']; // Set up command environment $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/tar jxvCf %s - 2>&1", escapeshellarg($stage)); $pipes = Array( 0 => Array("pipe", "r"), 1 => Array("pipe", "w"), 2 => Array("pipe", "w") ); $cmdfp = proc_open($command, $pipes, $pipes, $stage); if (!is_resource($cmdfp)) die("proc_open failed.\n"); if (!is_resource($pipes[0])) { var_dump($pipes); die("stdin isn't a pipe!\n"); } stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], FALSE); stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], FALSE); echo "Extracting...\n"; fseek($tmpfp, 0); $count = 0; $f_len = strlen($length); $fmt = sprintf(' %%%1$uu / %%%1$uu (%%3u%%%%) %%s '."\033[K\r", $f_len); sprintf($fmt, $count, $length, (100 * ($count / $length)), ""); $time = $oldtime = time(); $bufr = ""; while(!feof($tmpfp) || strlen($bufr)) { if (strlen($bufr) < 512) $bufr.= fread($tmpfp, 65536); $read = Array($pipes[1]); $write = Array($pipes[0]); $except = NULL; if (stream_select($read, $write, $except, 1)) { if ($read) { while ($tmp = fgets($pipes[1], 4096)) $curout = $tmp; } if ($write) { $len = fwrite($pipes[0], $bufr, strlen($bufr)); if ($len) $bufr = substr($bufr, $len, strlen($bufr) - $len); $count+= $len; } } if (time() != $time) { printf($fmt, $count, $length, (100 * ($count / $length)), sprintf("...%s", substr(trim($curout), -45, 45))); $oldtime = $time; $time = time(); } } printf($fmt, $count, $length, (100 * ($count / $length)), ""); echo "\n"; fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $result = proc_close($cmdfp); fclose($tmpfp); unset($count, $length); unset($fmt); unset($time, $oldtime); unset($bufr, $read, $write); unset($command); if ($result !== 0) { var_dump($curout); die("Something failed!\n"); } echo "Moving into place...\n"; $name = trim(shell_exec(sprintf("ls -1 %s", escapeshellarg($stage)))); $src = sprintf("%s/%s", $stage, $name); $dst = sprintf("%s/%s", $target, $name); shell_exec(sprintf("/bin/rm -Rf %s", escapeshellarg($dst))); rename($src, $dst); shell_exec(sprintf("/bin/rm -Rf %s", escapeshellarg($stage))); fwrite($ptrfp, $name, strlen($name)); fwrite($ptrfp, "\n", 1); flock($ptrfp, LOCK_UN); fclose($ptrfp); /* fclose($dstfp); echo "Extracting...\n"; $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/tar jxCf %s %s", escapeshellarg($target), escapeshellarg($dstfile)); var_dump($command); var_dump(shell_exec($command)); unlink($dstfile); */ </code> On the client: <code brush=bash> #!/bin/bash mkdir -p tmp echo "Fetching pointer..." rsync --compress --progress --stats rsync://cyberleo@pizzabox:~/secondlife/linux/SecondLife ./tmp/pointer if [ "$?" -ne 0 -o ! -f ./tmp/pointer ] then echo "Pointer fetch failed." exit 64 fi pointer="$(cat ./tmp/pointer)" echo "Got pointer to ${pointer}" if [ -e "${pointer}" ] then echo "Destination directory ${pointer} already exists." exit 32 fi cur="$( stat -c "%N" SecondLife | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d '`/'\' )" echo "Updating ${cur} -> ${pointer}" cp -pR "${cur}" "${pointer}" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then echo "Tree clone failed." exit 16 fi rsync --archive --compress --delete --hard-links --progress --sparse --stats "rsync://cyberleo@pizzabox:~/secondlife/linux/${pointer}" "./${pointer}" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then echo "rsync failed." exit 8 fi echo "Linking" rm -f SecondLife ln -svf "${pointer}" SecondLife rm tmp/pointer echo "Done." </code>