Differences between current version and predecessor to the previous major change of copysparse.php.

Other diffs: Previous Revision, Previous Author

Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Thursday, 18 February 2010 8:39:33 by CyberLeo
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Monday, 21 July 2008 7:26:27 by CyberLeo Revert
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 Originally built to copy a block device (a mac mini in firewire mass storage mode) to an image file, excluding all-null blocks (sparse file) to save space. 
 Also contains examples of thousands-separator number formatting (i.e. 10,000,000) and human-readable magnitude number formatting (i.e. 10.0GB) functions. 
+<code brush="php"
 #!/usr/bin/env php 
@@ -135,12 +135,12 @@
 echo "\n\n"; 
 Ruby version: 
+<code brush="ruby"
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby 
 # Fucking kludge. 
 require 'dl/import' 
@@ -281,5 +281,5 @@

current version

WARNING PHP has an internal 2GB file size limitation for fseek()! Use the Ruby version below for images larger than 2GB!

Originally built to copy a block device (a mac mini in firewire mass storage mode) to an image file, excluding all-null blocks (sparse file) to save space.

Also contains examples of thousands-separator number formatting (i.e. 10,000,000) and human-readable magnitude number formatting (i.e. 10.0GB) functions.

#!/usr/bin/env php


// Read a file and process it in chunks.
$infile = "/dev/sde";
$outfile = "/media/recover/MacMini-whole-sparse.img";
$blksz = 4096;
$blkct = 19537686;
$blkct_b = bcmul($blkct, $blksz, 0);

function ksep($number) {
        $number = (string) $number;
        $max = strlen($number);
        $recip = $max;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
                if ($i && !($i % 3))
                        $out = "," . $out;
                $out = $number{$recip} . $out;
        return $out;

function prettyGigs($bytes) {
        $powers = " kMGTPEZY";
        $power = 0;
        $mod = 1;
        while (bcdiv($bytes, $mod) > 1024) {
                $mod = bcmul($mod, 1024);
        $num = bcdiv($bytes, $mod);
        switch (((int) $num != $num)? strpos($num, "."): 0) {
                case "0":
                        $fmt = "%0.0f%s";
                case "1":
                        $fmt = "%0.3f%s";
                case "2":
                        $fmt = "%0.2f%s";
                case "3":
                        $fmt = "%0.1f%s";
        if ($power)
                $power = $powers{$power}."B";
        else    $power = "B";
        return sprintf($fmt, $num, $power);

function stats() {
        $blksz = $GLOBALS['blksz'];
        $blkct = $GLOBALS['blkct'];
        $blkct_b = $GLOBALS['blkct_b'];
        $data = $GLOBALS['data'];
        $data_b = bcmul($data, $blksz, 0);
        $sparse = $GLOBALS['sparse'];
        $sparse_b = bcmul($sparse, $blksz, 0);
        $count = bcadd($GLOBALS['data'], $GLOBALS['sparse'], 0);
        $count_b = bcmul($count, $blksz, 0);
        $pct = bcmul(bcdiv($count, $GLOBALS['blkct'], 10), 100.0);
        $speed = bcmul(bcsub($count, $GLOBALS['old_count']), $blksz);

        printf("\rD: %ss (%s) S: %ss (%s) +: %ss (%s) T: %ss (%s) %%: %0.4f %s/sec    ",
                ksep($data), prettyGigs($data_b), ksep($sparse), prettyGigs($sparse_b), ksep($count), prettyGigs($count_b),
                ksep($blkct), prettyGigs($blkct_b), $pct, prettyGigs($speed));

/*      printf("\rBlk: %s Spa: %s Sum: %s Tot: %s Pct: %0.4f    ",
                thousands($GLOBALS['data']), thousands($GLOBALS['sparse']),
                thousands($count), thousands($GLOBALS['blkct']), $pct);
*/      $GLOBALS['old_count'] = $count;

pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, "stats", true);
echo "\n\nPrecaching...";

/* No longer required
// Precalculate crc
$bufr = str_repeat("\0", 4096);
$zero = crc32($bufr);

$input = fopen($infile, "rb");
$output = fopen($outfile, "wb");

if (!is_resource($input))
        die(sprintf("%s failed!\n", $infile));
if (!is_resource($output))
        die(sprintf("%s failed!\n", $outfile));

$data = 0;
$sparse = 0;

while (!feof($input)) {
        $bufr = fread($input, $blksz);
        $chars = count_chars($bufr, 3);
        if ($chars === "\0") {
                // Nul block. Skip it.
                fseek($output, ftell($output) + $blksz);
/* Counting chars takes roughly half the time as computing the crc32.
        if (crc32($bufr) == $zero) {
                // Matching block? compare by bytes
                $chars = count_chars($bufr, 3);
                if ($chars === "\0") {
                        // Null block. Skip it.
                        fseek($output, ftell($output) + $blksz);
*/      fwrite($output, $bufr, $blksz);


echo "\n\n";


Ruby version:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Fucking kludge.
require 'dl/import'
module Alarm
        extend DL::Importable
        dlload "libc.so.6"
        extern "unsigned int alarm(unsigned int)"

# $stdout (standard out) is buffered! $stdout.flush() if you want it to show up immediately!
# Variables:
# * global variables start with $
# * instance variables start with @
# * local variables start with _ or a lowercase
# * constants start with an uppercase.
# Chr to ord: "x"[0] <- Access by index.
# Ord to chr: 120.chr <- Access chr method
# In for, start..end is start through end, while start...end is start up to but not including end.
# $data is, apparently, a reserved word.

$blksz = 4096;
$blkct = 19537686;
$blkct_b = $blkct * $blksz;

src_file = "/dev/sde";
out_file = "/media/recover/MacMini-whole-sparse.img";

src = File.new(src_file);
out = File.new(out_file, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600);

#$old_sum_b = 0;

def kSep(kSep_num)
        kSep_num = kSep_num.to_s;
        max = kSep_num.length;
        recip = max;
        out = "";
        for cur in 0...max
                recip-= 1;
                if (cur != 0 && (cur % 3) == 0)
                        out = "," << out;
                out = kSep_num[recip].chr << out;
        return out;

def pMag(bytes)
        bytes = bytes.to_f;
        powers = " kMGTPEZY";
        power = 0;
        fmt = "";
        out = "";
        mod = 1;
        while ((bytes / mod) > 1024)
                mod = mod * 1024;
                power+= 1;
        num = bytes / mod;
        case (num.to_s.index("."))
                when nil then fmt = "%0.0f%s";
                when 0 then fmt = "%0.0f%s";
                when 1 then fmt = "%0.3f%s";
                when 2 then fmt = "%0.2f%s";
                when 3 then fmt = "%0.1f%s";
                else fmt = "$0.0f%s";
        out << sprintf(fmt, num, powers[power].chr);
        return out;

trap("ALRM") do
        # Format and display stats all pretty-like
        isdata_b = $isdata * $blksz;
        issparse_b = $issparse * $blksz;
        sum = $isdata + $issparse;
        sum_b = sum * $blksz;
        pct = (sum.to_f / $blkct) * 100;
        perf = sum_b - (@old_sum_b? @old_sum_b: 0);

        $stdout.printf("\rD: %ss (%sB) S: %ss (%sB) +: %ss (%sB) T: %ss (%sB) %%: %0.3f%% %sB/sec    ",
                kSep($isdata), pMag(isdata_b), kSep($issparse), pMag(issparse_b),
                kSep(sum), pMag(sum_b), kSep($blkct), pMag($blkct_b), pct, pMag(perf));
        @old_sum_b = sum_b;

# Control vars
$isdata = 0;
$issparse = 0;
buf = "";
notnull = false;

# Start display loop


# Start processing loop
while (!src.eof?)
        buf = src.read($blksz);

# Old byte-scanning section
#       notnull = false;
#       for byte in 0...$blksz
#               if (buf[byte] != 0)
#                       # Break out of the loop on non-null data
#                       notnull = true;
#                       break;
#               end
#       end
#       if (notnull)
#               $isdata+= 1;
#               out.write(buf);
#       else
#               $issparse+= 1;
#               out.seek($blksz, File::SEEK_CUR);
#       end

# New regex section
# !!!! Ruby's regular expressions are different! ^/$ match after/before newlines! Use \A/\Z to match start/end of string!
        if (/\A\0+\Z/ =~ buf)
                $issparse+= 1;
                out.seek($blksz, File::SEEK_CUR);
                $isdata+= 1;

# Make everything nice and even
out.truncate($blkct * $blksz);


